All Things Latina Podcast

How to Overcome Self-Doubt as a Female Entrepreneur

Tani Estefy Episode 35

Follow me on IG: @TaniEstefy
Self-doubt, self-doubt, self-doubt can be the determining factor as to why you don't accomplish something or take the first step especially if you are an entrepreneur or aspiring entrepreneur. As a latina entrepreneur I can tell you that self-doubt creeps up on you and it’s, but honestly it is how you go about it mentaly. On this episode I will be giving you tips from inspiring women entrepreneurs and how they have overcome self doubt and pursued their dreams. So let’s not wait any further y comencemos! 

Being an entrepreneur isn't the easiest to be not to mention how some industries that interest us can be male dominant.. However with the right mindset and inspiration we as mujeres /women we can accomplish anything we set our minds too. 

Credit to: Business Insider