All Things Latina Podcast

Part 1: Porque El Es Hombre (A Love Letter to my Inner Niña)

Tani Estefy

Special Series: A Love Letter to my Inner Niña - Hosted by IG @TaniEstefy & @BadassxBonita (Kim Guerra) 

Submit Love Letter to: 

This podcast series is meant to encourage you to heal, accept and love yourself unconditionally. We encourage you to write a love letter to your inner niña and tell her how much you love her, how much you have overcome, how strong she is. Image your inner niña sitting bedside sad and you walk in, what would you tell her? 
Through these episodes we hope to walk you through the process of getting that letter started. At the end of this series we will be sharing our own letters along with with letters that are submitted to us. The letters will be read anonymous unless desired to be named.